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Who Tends To The Clergy?

This Featured Workshop will explore ways to ensure that “our first responders” in the faith community remain on the front lines of community support with a sound mind, sound body and sound soul.


Mental Health Policy Overview: A Discussion in Policy Challenges and Possibilities to Create Comprehensive Community Mental Health Care and Safety Net Networks for the Future

This Featured Workshop will explain some of the difficulties in funding and providing adequate resources for people with a mental illness. A panel of leaders in Mental Health Policy will be featured.


Exploring the Mental Health Needs of Immigrants with Diverse Cultural and Religious Backgrounds.

This workshop will address best practices for immigrants and refugees by exploring the use of traditional and religious healing methods before turning to western health care, or when necessary blending the traditional approaches with western health services. Service providers would do well to be aware of traditional and religious health and healing practices and be supportive when clients use these techniques.

The Behavioral Health Primer!

This workshop will provide a primer on many of today’s behavioral health terms and a snapshot of how to spot them and the work being done with sufferers of these illnesses. Talk to the experts!

How are Chaplains Central to Mental Health in Prisons, Hospitals, and the Community?

This workshop will explore these changing roles and the way Chaplains can link effectively with the people they serve and the behavior health systems’ professionals.

The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Working with People Diagnosed with Severe and Chronic Mental Illness.

This workshop will try to untangle the complimentary and controversial roles Psychiatry, Psychotherapeutic Counseling and Spiritual Counseling play in serving this misunderstood and stigmatized population and their supportive families.

Personal Accounts of the Role of Religion or Spirituality In Mental Illness and Recovery.

This workshop will explore the sometimes hidden and painful, sometimes soothing, and always-complex experiences and struggles individuals with a diagnosis, and their families, have on the road to recovery.  Our panelists will initiate much needed change and insight.


Mental Health and the Black Church: Can I Get an AMEN!

This workshop will be facilitated by Rev. Odell Cleveland.  He will delicately guide participants through culture, sterotypes, and biases associated with the stigma of mental illness in the black community.  

Community and Family Supports: What Are They? Where Are They?

This workshop will explore community supports in, and for, faith communities.

Addictions and Ministry: Bringing Addictions Out of the Shadows and Into the Light?

This workshop will address addictions, examine models, and explore ways to move the existing congregational support from the meeting room to the congregation and community.

Addressing the Mental Health and Spiritual Needs of College Students

This workshop will explore the increasing complex roles of college counselors and campus ministers who are often first responders in crises facing this population.

Suicide Prevention: The Awkward Relationship Between Suicide and the Faith Community: Can We Talk?

This workshop will begin to initiate a hard, but much needed, discussion that could eventually lead to the prevention of suicides within the membership of faith communities.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Schools.

This workshop will focus on child and adolescent well being in the home, school and community.


Domestic Violence: Community Responses Family: Justice Center

This workshop will have a special emphasis placed upon how faith communities can help to support the Center and how the Center can support faith communities. It will also emphasize as well as how faith leaders can help members of their communities access the resources of the Center if they experience domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, or sexual assault. 

Veterans: They Served For Us. How Can We Serve Them?

This workshop will explore the plight of our Veterans and how the clergy and faith communities can learn to understand what the soldier and his/her family face as they reunite. 

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